Thursday, June 26, 2008

Finding the Perfect Dress

As the wedding plans begin to take shape, finding a dress is extremely important. Wearing a beautiful dress and having my dad walk me down the aisle are two very important aspects of my wedding. Two that I tried on are pictured above. I have tried on approximately 20 dresses total, at four different bridal shops. I have narrowed it down to four, however the other three don't compare to the one I am in love with. I saw it on a mannequin when I walked into the shop and knew it was going to be gorgeous on and it was. I felt like a fairy princess in it and I knew it to be the one, now it just has to get here in time. Sorry I can not put up a picture of the beautiful dress I want to get, Najem may read this :)

Dresses pictured are from Gracie's Bridal Shop in Springfield, MO


Judy said...

I love you both and I love this blog. Now I will fell like your right here. The dresses are all pretty, but no matter, you will be beautiful as always. I wish you and Naj love, happines and health, that is what your Grandmother always told me are important. Well I can't wait for November. Not much going on here. Your Mom ask me to come with here this weekend, but the Petit's are all here and they ask me to join them on th 4th and I'm babysitting Victoria so they can all go out to dinner Sat. night. Keep me posted. Lov ya

Cynthia Matzat said...

You look so pretty! I can't wait to see your real dress.