Saturday, August 2, 2008

How did they do it?

Well most of the wedding party is set, the bridesmaids have dresses and the invitations are ordered. Thank goodness for the world wide web. How is it that years ago people planned weddings without the internet? With the use of technology I have a wedding blog, wedding website, wedding mapper, and have pretty much ordered every detail from the web. I couldn't imagine spending hours or days driving all over town looking for bridesmaid dresses or invitations. I just put what I am looking for into my handy search engine and HELLO a million links with pictures for me to look at. I wonder what the future holds for my children and their wedding planning, because I am pretty sure that my parents didn't use the internet to plan their wedding. So... although I have spent alot of my summer planning this glorious day, I really didn't leave the couch much and I like it!!

PS: The picture doesn't have anything to do with the wedding. I learned how to use a new program during my eMINTS training and wanted to show you how fun it is.

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